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Careers , Nottingham

Colleague Stories: Elaine Coyle Poole

Photo of Elaine Coyle

Elaine works as a Volunteer Liaison Officer at our Nottingham, UK site. In this interview, she shares what a day in the life in her role looks like.


"While I sit under the umbrella of volunteer management, I see all aspects of the volunteers’ experiences, from application to recruitment, screening, and admissions. It is a unique and rewarding role."
-Elaine Coyle Poole


What does a Volunteer Liaison Officer do at Quotient Sciences?

My role involves collaborating with the volunteer management team, clinic, and screening at our Nottingham, UK site to ensure the best possible experience for volunteers. My goal is to maximize the potential for them to commence and continue to volunteer with us. I support the volunteers by answering study related questions and empowering them to give us open and honest feedback, which is regularly shared internally within our teams.

I work hard to create a welcoming environment so our volunteers want to return to do more studies with us. It is enjoyable to see hard work pay off when volunteers not only return for more trials, but also recommend that their friends and family come and participate, too.

Describe a typical day in Volunteer Management

No day is ever the same, weeks can greatly vary. Some weeks start with travelling to local events and jobs fairs to promote our Quotient Sciences | We Need You brand used for volunteer recruitment, speaking to potential volunteers about clinical trials and the work we do at Quotient Sciences, and registering new volunteers for our panel.

Other days, I help the enrollment team with reviewing applications from volunteers and answering questions that people have regarding their applications. I run fun events such as bingo, quizzes, or killer pool to keep volunteers entertained while they are staying with us. These events also give volunteers the opportunity to meet one another, and it is enjoyable when we get to see old friends who met on a trial months ago, or even years prior, meet up again.

How has your career progressed since joining us?

When I joined Quotient Sciences 9 years ago, my job description was very new and I was unsure of how the role would be welcomed by the volunteers. Now, it makes me happy to see how volunteers enjoy the events and when they tell me that they feel truly listened to when they share their experiences with us.

We consider our volunteers in all aspects of the clinical trials and have even created an advocacy panel where we ask our volunteers for their insight to help update our processes, whether related to the paperwork we send out for trial enrollment, changes in admission times, or the chairs they sit on while in clinic. Some volunteers have been to other clinical research units and have commented on how unique the experience is at Quotient Sciences by comparison.

While I sit under the umbrella of volunteer management, I see all aspects of the volunteers’ experiences, from application to recruitment, screening, and admissions. It is a unique and rewarding role. I do my best to find ways to promote our volunteers in internal Quotient Sciences townhalls, meetings, or on our social media platforms.

What experience did you have before you worked at Quotient Sciences? What learning or qualifications have you gained since being in your role?

I had a background in customer service prior to joining Quotient Sciences. There were no specific qualifications needed for the role when I joined, but since joining the company I have attended several different courses on topics related to managing wellbeing and resilience, crafting better work, working in a changing world, lunch time seminars on scientific topics, and even social media platform training on how to enhance my LinkedIn profile. I have attended more than 25 courses since being here to help me progress in my role and build my knowledge of the wider business. The company really does like to help support your growth if you want it.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Overall, I really embrace the “people facing” aspect of my role. I try to put myself in the position of a volunteer and treat volunteers how I would like to be treated: Respectfully and with kindness.

I meet people every day from all walks of life. Some volunteers can start a 31-night study and life is quiet for them. They spend their first week in bed, but slowly volunteers begin to take part in a bingo, then join a quiz team, then table tennis... And by day 30, they are talking to volunteers from other wards. This makes me happy to see!

Our team has worked hard to build a strong community of volunteers. Once they have left the clinic, I try to remain in their memories and ask them for a blog to share their journey, which we post on our Quotient Sciences | We Need You website. We now have a great gallery of stories that new and old volunteers can read.

What’s the team like?

My team is fab! We have regular foodie days and have great bakers in the team. The teamwork and support are apparent every day in the office and with those who work from home, too.

I feel heard in my role; when I have ideas, I can present them, see them get implemented, and feel like I have made a difference. I see my career at Quotient Sciences and every day is an adventure!

What do you like most about working at Quotient Sciences?

It is a wonderful team to be part of and I feel so proud when people ask me, “Where do you work?” because of the impact that the company has. I genuinely feel like I am part of the team who advance medicines, which is a great feeling. Whether it be at the school gates, the gym, or at netball practice, I am never without a “refer a friend” card!