Bio Integrates 2023 | London, UK

16 May 2023

Connect with Quotient Sciences at the upcoming Bio Integrates conference on the 16th May 2023. Our drug development experts will be on hand to discuss your drug development needs and update you on our expanded capabilities.

Meet our drug development experts to learn more about our expanded capabilities and how we can help you with your next project. In attendance from Quotient Sciences will be:

Panel Discussion: ‘Formulations – What’s new and do I need to be there’
Speaker: Chris Roe, Principle Research Fellow at Quotient Sciences

About Chris Roe: Senior Research Fellow at Quotient Sciences Ltd, Chris brings over 20 years’ experience across pharmaceutical sciences and biopharmaceutics to designing science-led, robust, clinical study programs which maximise output for clients, in addition to providing scientific support throughout study delivery.

Event details:
Bio Integrates
Date: 16th May 2023
Location: London, UK
Conference Website:

You can schedule a meeting with our experts by using the form below.
