Biotech Showcase 2023 | San Francisco, CA

9 January 2023 - 11 January 2023
Planning to attend Biotech Showcase 2023 in San Francisco? Schedule a partnering meeting with one of our experts to talk one-on-one about your drug development needs.

Meet Brad Rowe, Senior Director of Integrated Development Services, and Katie Stuart, Senior Director of Business Development, at the event. Brad and Katie are ready to hear about your drug program's challenges and discuss how Quotient Sciences can assist in accelerating your drug development timeline with our integrated approach.

Learn how our capabilities in drug substance, bioanalysis, and radiosynthesis are fully integrated with our global drug product and clinical testing capabilities to further streamline your program. Our seamless integration of services has been proven to reduce at least 12 months of development time and substantially reduce R&D costs.

You can schedule a partnering meeting with us through the Biotech Showcase website/app or by using our form below.
